curl CLI Browser JS NodeJS Python Go


Latest version: v3 (Update Guide)

Welcome to the Skynet SDK docs!

We have SDK support for several languages:

as well as the Skynet CLI (written in Go).

These SDKs are wrappers around HTTP calls to the corresponding Skynet endpoints. Full documentation for the Skynet HTTP API can be found in the Sia API Documentation.


We have a detailed tutorial for Creating Your First Webapp On Skynet on our tech blog. Check it out if you are just starting out!

Using the Beta

We are releasing new features and fixes first on the beta stream. The latest beta version can be installed with npm install skynet-js@beta.

A Note About Language Differences

Though we tried to keep the SDKs as similar to each other as possible in usage, differences between the languages -- the idiosyncracies and best practices of each -- resulted in differences between the SDKs. We've noted them where necessary throughout the documentation.

Function Parameters

In most of the SDKs the additional options may be left out of the function calls, in which case the default options are used. In Go the options must always be passed in, as the language does not support optional function parameters.


Note that the casing of functions and their parameters differs between the languages:

Language Case
Javascript camelCase
Python snake_case
Go PascalCase

For consistency throughout this document, functions and their parameters are documented using camelCase.

Standard Responses

Functions will respond with the desired content on success and with errors or exceptions on failure. The error messages may contain HTTP status codes (see the Sia Docs).

Functions will fail differently in each SDK depending on the language:

Language Failure Mode
Javascript Exceptions are raised and must be caught with a try-catch block.
Python Same as above.
Go Errors are returned and must be checked for explicitly.

Using The Shell

function skynet() {
  curl -X POST "" -F "file=@$1" \
    | jq ".skylink" | xargs -I _ echo ""

Our shell examples present only simple curl calls. You may find it helpful to write wrappers around these in Bash, or the shell language of your choice, to make them more reusable. To the right we have provided a simple example which uses jq.

Getting Started

Making Your First API Call

curl -L -X POST "<siapath>" -F 'file=@image.jpg'
skynet upload "./image.jpg"
import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();

// Assume we have a file from an input form.

async function uploadExample() {
  try {
    const { skylink } = await client.uploadFile(file);
    console.log(`Upload successful, skylink: ${skylink}`);
  } catch (error) {
const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();

(async () => {
    const skylink = await client.uploadFile("./image.jpg");
    console.log(`Upload successful, skylink: ${skylink}`);
import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient()

skylink = client.upload_file("image.jpg")
print("Upload successful, skylink: " + skylink)
package main

import (
    skynet ""

var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
    skylink, err := client.UploadFile("./image.jpg", skynet.DefaultUploadOptions)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Unable to upload: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Printf("Upload successful, skylink: %v\n", skylink)

The SDKs are set up to be as simple as possible. Despite the many options for configuration, most users will be able to get started with a single API call. In the example on the right, we upload the file image.jpg to the default Skynet portal (which in Browser JS is the portal running the code and in other SDKs is

Note: If you are testing or running a Browser JS app locally, you will either have to run a Skynet portal locally or initialize the Skynet Client to connect to an existing portal such as See Portal Selection below.

Skynet Client

The above examples also demonstrate the use of the Skynet client. This client is required to make any API calls. It sets the portal that will be used for all requests. It can also be initialized with custom connection options that will be applied in all calls, unless calling an API method with the same options, which then take precedent and override what was set in client initialization.

Please see Using The Skynet Client for more information.

Portal Selection

In order to use a specific portal, you will need to use it as the first argument in client creation. Please see Basic Portal Selection for more information.

Setting Additional Options

Each SDK function also accepts additional options. These vary depending on the endpoint and are documented alongside each function.

Common Options

import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

// Set a custom user agent.
const customUserAgent = "Sia-Agent";

// Set an upload progress tracker.
const onUploadProgress = (progress, { loaded, total }) => {`Progress ${Math.round(progress * 100)}%`);

// Initialize the client.
const client = new SkynetClient("", { customUserAgent, onUploadProgress });

async function uploadExample() {
  try {
    const skylink = await client.uploadFile(file);
  } catch (error) {

Every function accepts the following common options:

Option Description Default
APIKey The API password used for authentication. ""
customUserAgent Allows changing the User Agent, as some portals may reject user agents that are not Sia-Agent for security reasons. ""
onUploadProgress Optional callback to track upload progress. undefined

Useful Constants

Here are some constants exported by the SDKs which may be of use in applications.

Constant Description Default
defaultSkynetPortalUrl The default Skynet portal to use, if one is not provided. ""
uriSkynetPrefix The Skynet URI prefix. "sia://" (Browser JS: "sia:")

Using The Skynet Client

The Skynet Client is required to make any API calls. It sets the portal that will be used for all requests. It can also be initialized with custom connection options that will be applied in all calls, unless calling an API method with the same options (which then take precedent and override what was set in client initialization).

Basic Portal Selection

import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

// Or SkynetClient() without arguments to use the default portal.
const client = new SkynetClient("");
const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

// Or SkynetClient() without arguments to use the default portal.
const client = new SkynetClient("");
import siaskynet as skynet

# Or SkynetClient() without arguments to use the default portal.
client = skynet.SkynetClient("")
package main

import (
    skynet ""

var client = skynet.NewCustom("", skynet.Options{})

To make any API calls you will need to first create a new client with the desired portal. The client can be initialized without arguments to let the client choose it for you (see below) or the portal can be specified. See the code example on the right.

Default Portal Selection

The default portal used is for all SDKs except Browser JS, which tries to use the portal which is running the sky app. The default portal is accessible through the exported function, defaultPortalUrl, and no configuration is required to use it. Having a reasonable choice already selected keeps friction for new developers low.

In the future the default selection will be smarter and there will be more options for default portal selection, such as configuration files. Please see this issue.

Setting Connection Options

import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient("", { APIKey: "foobar" });
const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient("", { APIKey: "foobar" });
import siaskynet as skynet

# Or SkynetClient() without arguments to use the default portal.
client = skynet.SkynetClient("", {"api_key": "foobar"})
package main

import (
    skynet ""

var client = skynet.NewCustom("", skynet.Options{APIKey: "foobar"})

Apart from setting a persistent portal, client initialization also allows you to choose persistent connection settings. These will be applied on every subsequent API call using the client, unless the setting is overridden in a particular call.

Please see Setting Additional Options.

Uploading To Skynet

Uploading A File

curl -L -X POST "<siapath>" -F 'file=@image.jpg'
skynet upload "./image.jpg"
import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();

// NOTE: This example is different from the other SDKs because we cannot just
// take a path to a local file.

async function uploadExample() {
  try {
    const { skylink } = await client.uploadFile(file);
  } catch (error) {
const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();

(async () => {
    const skylink = await client.uploadFile("./image.jpg");
    console.log(`Upload successful, skylink: ${skylink}`);
import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient()

skylink = client.upload_file("image.jpg")
print("Upload successful, skylink: " + skylink)
package main

import (
    skynet ""

var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
    skylink, err := client.UploadFile("./image.jpg", skynet.DefaultUploadOptions)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Unable to upload: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Printf("Upload successful, skylink: %v\n", skylink)

Uploading a file to Skynet can be done through a Skynet portal or your local siad instance.


Field Description
path The local path where the file to upload may be found.

Browser JS:

Field Description
file The File object returned from an input form.

Additional Options

Note that you can set common options for individual method calls as well, including onUploadProgress.

Field Description Default
portalFileFieldName The field name for files on the portal. Usually should not need to be changed. "file"
portalDirectoryFileFieldName The field name for directories on the portal. Usually should not need to be changed. "files[]"
customFilename Custom filename. This is the filename that will be returned when downloading the file in a browser. ""
customDirname Custom dirname. If this is empty, the base name of the directory being uploaded will be used by default. ""
timeout_seconds The timeout in seconds. ""


  "skylink": "CABAB_1Dt0FJsxqsu_J4TodNCbCGvtFf1Uys_3EgzOlTcg",
  "merkleroot": "QAf9Q7dBSbMarLvyeE6HTQmwhr7RX9VMrP9xIMzpU3I",
  "bitfield": 2048
Successfully uploaded file! Skylink: sia://CABAB_1Dt0FJsxqsu_J4TodNCbCGvtFf1Uys_3EgzOlTcg
Field Description
skylink This is the skylink that can be used when downloading to retrieve the file that has been uploaded. It is a 46-character base64 encoded string that consists of the merkle root, offset, fetch size, and Skylink version which can be used to access the content.
merkleroot This is the hash that is encoded into the skylink.
bitfield This is the bitfield that gets encoded into the skylink. The bitfield contains a version, an offset and a length in a heavily compressed and optimized format.

Uploading A Directory

curl -L -X POST "<siapath>?filename=images" -F 'files[]=@./images/image1.png' -F 'files[]=@./images/image2.png'
skynet upload "./images"
import { getRelativeFilePath, getRootDirectory, SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();

// Assume we have a list of files from an input form.

async function uploadDirectoryExample() {
  try {
    // Get the directory name from the list of files.
    // Can also be named manually, i.e. if you build the files yourself
    // instead of getting them from an input form.
    const filename = getRootDirectory(files[0]);

    // Use reduce to build the map of files indexed by filepaths
    // (relative from the directory).
    const directory = files.reduce((accumulator, file) => {
      const path = getRelativeFilePath(file);

      return { ...accumulator, [path]: file };
    }, {});

    const { skylink } = await client.uploadDirectory(directory, filename);
  } catch (error) {
const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();

(async () => {
    const url = await client.uploadDirectory("./images");
    console.log(`Upload successful, url: ${url}`);
import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient()

url = client.upload_directory("./images")
print("Upload successful, url: " + url)
package main

import (
    skynet ""

var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
    url, err := client.UploadDirectory("./images", skynet.DefaultUploadOptions)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Unable to upload: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Printf("Upload successful, url: %v\n", url)

It is possible to upload a directory as a single piece of content. Doing this will allow you to address your content under one skylink, and access the files by their path. This is especially useful for webapps.

For example, let's say you upload a web app with the following simple structure:

|-- favicon.ico
|-- index.html
|-- css
    |-- main.css
|-- js
    |-- app.js

The four files can be accessed as follows:

[portal url]/[skylink]/favicon.ico
[portal url]/[skylink]/index.html
[portal url]/[skylink]/css/main.css
[portal url]/[skylink]/js/app.js


Field Description
path The local path where the directory to upload may be found.

Browser JS:

Field Description
directory Object containing Files from an input form to upload, indexed by their path strings.
filename The name of the directory.

Additional Options

See Uploading A File.


  "skylink": "EAAV-eT8wBIF1EPgT6WQkWWsb3mYyEO1xz9iFueK5zCtqg",
  "merkleroot": "QAf9Q7dBSbMarLvyeE6HTQmwhr7RX9VMrP9xIMzpU3I",
  "bitfield": 2048
Successfully uploaded directory! Skylink: sia://EAAV-eT8wBIF1EPgT6WQkWWsb3mYyEO1xz9iFueK5zCtqg

See Uploading A File.

Downloading From Skynet

Downloading A File

curl -A "Sia-Agent" "" -o dst.jpg
skynet download "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg" "./dst.jpg"
import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg";

try {
  // Or client.openFile(skylink) to open it in a new browser tab.
} catch (error) {
const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();
const skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg";

(async () => {
    await client.downloadFile("./dst.jpg", skylink);
    console.log('Download successful');
import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient()
skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg"

client.download_file("./dst.jpg", skylink)
print("Download successful")
package main

import (
    skynet ""

const skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg"
var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
    err := client.DownloadFile("./dst.go", skylink, skynet.DefaultDownloadOptions)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Something went wrong, please try again.\nError: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Println("Download successful")

This function downloads a skylink using HTTP streaming. The call blocks until the data is received. There is a 30s default timeout applied to downloading a skylink. If the data can not be found within this 30s time constraint, a 404 error will be returned. This timeout is configurable.


Field Description
path The local path where the file should be downloaded to.
skylink The skylink that should be downloaded. The skylink can contain an optional path.

Browser JS:

Field Description
skylink The skylink that should be downloaded. The skylink can contain an optional path.

Additional Options

Field Description Default
path The path to use after the skylink. See the next section. ""
timeout_seconds The timeout in seconds. ""


Empty on success.

Downloading A File From An Uploaded Directory

curl -A "Sia-Agent" "" -o dst.jpg
skynet download "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg/dir2/file3" "./dst.jpg"
import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();

// Using the skylink.
try {
  const skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg/dir2/file3";
} catch (error) {

// Using the path option.
try {
  const skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg";
  client.downloadFile(skylink, { path: "dir2/file3" });
} catch (error) {
const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();

// Using the skylink.
(async () => {
  const skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg/dir2/file3";
    await client.downloadFile("./dst.jpg", skylink);
    console.log('Download successful');

// Using the path option.
(async () => {
  const skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg";
    await client.downloadFile("./dst.jpg", skylink, { path: "dir2/file3" });
    console.log('Download successful');
import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient()

# Using the skylink.
skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg/dir2/file3"
client.download_file("./dst.jpg", skylink)
print("Download successful")

# Using the path option.
skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg"
client.download_file("./dst.jpg", skylink, { "path": "dir2/file3" })
print("Download successful")
package main

import (
    skynet ""

var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
    // Using the skylink.
    skylink := "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg/dir2/file3"
    opts := skynet.DefaultDownloadOptions
    err := client.DownloadFile("./dst.go", skylink, opts)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Something went wrong, please try again.\nError: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Println("Download successful")

    // Using the path option.
    skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg"
    opts.Path = "dir2/file3";
    err := client.DownloadFile("./dst.go", skylink, opts)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Something went wrong, please try again.\nError: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Println("Download successful")

It is possible to download files from uploaded directories if their paths relative to the uploaded directory are known. There are two ways to do this.

The skylink being passed in can contain an optional path. This path can specify a directory or a particular file. If specified, only that file or directory will be returned. The examples here use the directory structure from Uploading A Directory to illustrate this.

The Path Additional Parameter

There is a caveat to the above approach: the skylink is used as-is and any special characters in the appended path are not encoded. We recommend using the additional option path to let the SDK properly encode it for you.

The path option also is easier to use if you would otherwise have to manually append the path to the skylink.

Getting Metadata

curl -I -A "Sia-Agent" ""
# NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

skynet metadata "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg"
import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg";

async metadataExample() {
  try {
    const { metadata, contentType, skylink } = await client.getMetadata(skylink);
  } catch (error) {
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();
const skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg";

(async () => {
    const md = await client.getMetadata(skylink);
    console.log(Get metadata successful');
import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient()
skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg"

md = client.get_metadata(skylink)
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

package main

import (
    skynet ""

const skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg"
var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
    md, err := client.Metadata(skylink, skynet.DefaultMetadataOptions)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Something went wrong, please try again.\nError: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Printf("Get metadata successful, metadata: %+v\n", md)

It is possible to get metadata about a file or directory without fetching the entire content. These API calls will perform a HEAD request that fetches the headers for the given skylink. These headers are identical to the ones that would be returned if the request had been a GET request.


Field Description
skylink The skylink that should be downloaded. The skylink can contain an optional path. This path can specify a directory or a particular file. If specified, only that file or directory will be returned.
contentType String representing the file's content type.
metadata Object returned in the skynet-metadata header when accessing the file

Additional Options

See Downloading A File.


  "mode":     640,
  "filename": "folder",
  "subfiles": {
    "folder/file1.txt": {
      "mode":         640,
      "filename":     "folder/file1.txt",
      "contenttype":  "text/plain",
      "offset":       0,
      "len":          6
  "mode":     640,
  "filename": "folder",
  "subfiles": {
    "folder/file1.txt": {
      "mode":         640,
      "filename":     "folder/file1.txt",
      "contenttype":  "text/plain",
      "offset":       0,
      "len":          6
  "mode":     640,
  "filename": "folder",
  "subfiles": {
    "folder/file1.txt": {
      "mode":         640,
      "filename":     "folder/file1.txt",
      "contenttype":  "text/plain",
      "offset":       0,
      "len":          6
  "mode":     640,
  "filename": "folder",
  "subfiles": {
    "folder/file1.txt": {
      "mode":         640,
      "filename":     "folder/file1.txt",
      "contenttype":  "text/plain",
      "offset":       0,
      "len":          6
  "mode":     640,
  "filename": "folder",
  "subfiles": {
    "folder/file1.txt": {
      "mode":         640,
      "filename":     "folder/file1.txt",
      "contenttype":  "text/plain",
      "offset":       0,
      "len":          6
  "mode":     640,
  "filename": "folder",
  "subfiles": {
    "folder/file1.txt": {
      "mode":         640,
      "filename":     "folder/file1.txt",
      "contenttype":  "text/plain",
      "offset":       0,
      "len":          6

Coming Soon


SkyDB is a framework that allows Skynet users to create decentralized accounts and store mutable files in those accounts. It is built on top of the Registry, where every SkyDB entry in the Registry is a skylink that contains the full data.

Getting Data From SkyDB

# There are no API endpoints for SkyDB -- you must use the registry directly.
import { SkynetClient, genKeyPairFromSeed } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const { publicKey } = genKeyPairFromSeed("this seed should be fairly long for security");

const dataKey = "myApp";

async function getJSONExample() {
  try {
    const { data, revision } = await client.db.getJSON(publicKey, dataKey);
  } catch (error) {




Field Type Description
publicKey string User's public key as a hex-encoded string. Can be generated with the genKeyPairFromSeed function.
dataKey string The key of the data to fetch for the given user.


  data: {
    example: "This is some example JSON data."
  revision: 11

Setting Data On SkyDB

# There are no API endpoints for SkyDB -- you must use the registry directly.
import { SkynetClient, genKeyPairFromSeed } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const { privateKey } = genKeyPairFromSeed("this seed should be fairly long for security");

const dataKey = "myApp";
const json = { example: "This is some example JSON data." };

async function setJSONExample() {
  try {
    await client.db.setJSON(privateKey, dataKey, json);
  } catch (error) {




Field Type Description
privateKey string User's private key as a hex-encoded string. Can be generated with the genKeyPairFromSeed function.
dataKey string The key of the data to fetch for the given user.
json object The JSON object to set for the given private key and data key.


Empty on success.

Getting The Entry URL

import { SkynetClient, genKeyPairFromSeed } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const { publicKey } = genKeyPairFromSeed("this seed should be fairly long for security");

const dataKey = "foo";

function getEntryExample() {
  try {
    const url = client.registry.getEntryUrl(publicKey, dataKey);
  } catch (error) {




See Getting Data From The Registry.




The registry allows getting and setting registry entries with a user's key and a data key (e.g. the name of an app).

Registry entries contain data (currently capped at 113 bytes), the data key, and a revision number. The revision number increases every time the registry entry is changed. The latest revision number, plus at least one, is required when calling setEntry. Previous revisions are not accessible once an entry has been overwritten with a higher revision number.

Getting Data From The Registry

curl -X GET -G -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> -d "publickey=ed25519%3Ab4f9e43178222cf33bd4432dc1eca49499397ecd1f7de23b568f3fa1e72e5c7c" -d "datakey=79c05b4b67764ad99a7976a7d2fb1cfce4f196ea217ef0356af042cb5492bd5d" ""
import { SkynetClient, genKeyPairFromSeed } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const { publicKey } = genKeyPairFromSeed("this seed should be fairly long for security");

const dataKey = "foo";

async function getEntryExample() {
  try {
    const { entry, signature } = await client.registry.getEntry(publicKey, dataKey);
  } catch (error) {




Field Type Description
publicKey string User's public key as a hex-encoded string. Can be generated with the genKeyPairFromSeed function.
dataKey string The key of the data to fetch for the given user.


  entry: {
    datakey: "foo",
    data: "bar",
    revision: 0
  signature: "788dddf5232807611557a3dc0fa5f34012c2650526ba91d55411a2b04ba56164"

Setting Data On The Registry

curl -L -X POST -d '{"publickey":{"algorithm":"ed25519","key":[180,249,228,49,120,34,44,243,59,212,67,45,193,236,164,148,153,57,126,205,31,125,226,59,86,143,63,161,231,46,92,124]},"datakey":"79c05b4b67764ad99a7976a7d2fb1cfce4f196ea217ef0356af042cb5492bd5d","revision":7,"data":[65,65,65,118,74,68,105,95,101,102,75,76,101,99,83,65,112,78,56,110,89,113,84,110,122,83,106,76,116,102,66,55,80,99,69,110,81,112,75,75,101,79,88,100,54,119],"signature":[2,105,4,22,162,190,49,191,180,70,89,91,4,177,81,87,79,175,225,40,224,69,173,193,113,227,225,106,48,121,221,1,119,92,253,115,198,90,142,167,2,108,245,249,217,99,112,174,87,117,213,5,105,162,191,242,129,103,244,126,136,68,33,11]}' ""
import { SkynetClient, genKeyPairFromSeed } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const { privateKey } = genKeyPairFromSeed("this seed should be fairly long for security");

const dataKey = "foo";
const data = "bar";
const revision = 0;
const entry = { datakey, data, revision };

async function setEntryExample() {
  try {
    await client.registry.setEntry(privateKey, dataKey, entry);
  } catch (error) {




Field Type Description
privateKey string User's private key as a hex-encoded string. Can be generated with the genKeyPairFromSeed function or with PKI in the node-forge library on NPM. Should be kept secret.
entry RegistryEntry The registry entry to set. See below.


This object corresponds to a versioned entry in the registry.

Field Type Description
datakey string The key of the data for the given entry.
data string The data for this entry. Capped at 113 bytes, but can be a skylink or an HNS domain.
revision number The revision number of this entry. It must be at least 1 more than the latest revision number, or 0 if the entry doesn't exist.


Empty on success.

Crypto Utilities

This page documents cryptographic utilities for generating public and private keys as well as secure seeds. Private keys should, as the name implies, be kept private. The seeds should also be handled carefully as they can be used to derive public/private key pairs.

Generating Key Pairs And Seeds

import { genKeyPairAndSeed } from "skynet-js";

const { publicKey, privateKey, seed } = genKeyPairAndSeed();

If you do not yet have a seed, you can generate one with this function and it will also generate an associated key pair. The seed is generated using strong, cryptographic-grade randomness. It is recommended that you only store the seed for later use and re-derive the key pair with genKeyPairFromSeed, and that you store it securely.






  publicKey: "f8a7da8324fabb9d57bb32c59c48d4ba304d08ee5f1297a46836cf841da71c80",
  privateKey: "c404ff07fba961000dfb25ece7477f45b109b50a5169a45f3fb239343002c1cff8a7da8324fabb9d57bb32c59c48d4ba304d08ee5f1297a46836cf841da71c80",
  seed: "c1197e1275fbf570d21dde01a00af83ed4a743d1884e4a09cebce0dd21ae254c"

Generating Key Pairs From Seeds

import { genKeyPairFromSeed } from "skynet-js";

const { publicKey, privateKey } = genKeyPairFromSeed("this seed should be fairly long for security");

If you already have a seed (e.g. from a previous call to genKeyPairAndSeed) you can deterministically derive the same keypair.




Field Type Description
seed string The seed that should be used to generate a deterministic keypair. Can be a long and secure passphrase.


  publicKey: "f8a7da8324fabb9d57bb32c59c48d4ba304d08ee5f1297a46836cf841da71c80",
  privateKey: "c404ff07fba961000dfb25ece7477f45b109b50a5169a45f3fb239343002c1cff8a7da8324fabb9d57bb32c59c48d4ba304d08ee5f1297a46836cf841da71c80",

Deriving Child Seeds

import { deriveChildSeed, genKeyPairAndSeed } from "skynet-js";

const { publicKey, privateKey, masterSeed } = genKeyPairAndSeed();
const childSeed = deriveChildSeed(masterSeed, "foo");

This function can be used to derive a child seed from a given master seed and subseed. For example, the master seed can be a long and secure passphrase while the subseed can be the name of an application.




Field Type Description
masterSeed string The master seed that should be used to generate a deterministic keypair. Can be a long and secure passphrase.
seed string The subseed that, in combination with the master seed, results in a deterministic keypair.




Encryption and decryption in Skynet are performed using skykeys. Skykeys can be created and queried using the functions in this section. The name or ID of a skykey must be provided when uploading or downloading with encryption.

See also:

Creating A Skykey

curl -A "Sia-Agent"  -u "":<apipassword> -d "name=key_to_the_castle" -d "type=private-id" "localhost:9980/skynet/createskykey"
skynet skykey create "testcreateskykey"
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const name = "testcreateskykey";

async function createSkykeyExample() {
  try {
    const skykey = await client.createSkykey(name, "private-id");
  } catch (error) {
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();
const name = "testcreateskykey";

(async () => {
    const skykey = await client.createSkykey(name, "private-id");
# NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient()
name = "testcreateskykey"

skykey = client.create_skykey(name, "private-id")
print("Create skykey successful, skykey: " + skykey)
package main

import (
    skynet ""

const name = "testcreateskykey"
var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
    fmt.Printf("Creating skykey with name %v...\n", name)
    skykey, err := client.CreateSkykey(name, "private-id", skynet.DefaultCreateSkykeyOptions)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Unable to create skykey: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Printf("Created skykey %v\n", skykey)

This function creates a skykey stored under the given name.


Parameter Description
name Desired name of the skykey.
type Desired type of the skykey. The two supported types are "public-id" and "private-id". Users should use "private-id" skykeys unless they have a specific reason to use "public-id" skykeys which reveal skykey IDs and show which skyfiles are encrypted with the same skykey.


  "skykey": "skykey:AUI0eAOXWXHwW6KOLyI5O1OYduVvHxAA8qUR_fJ8Kluasb-ykPlHBEjDczrL21hmjhH0zAoQ3-Qq?name=testskykey1",
  "name": "key_to_the_castle",
  "id": "ai5z8cf5NWbcvPBaBn0DFQ==",
  "type": "private-id"
Coming Soon
  "skykey": "skykey:AUI0eAOXWXHwW6KOLyI5O1OYduVvHxAA8qUR_fJ8Kluasb-ykPlHBEjDczrL21hmjhH0zAoQ3-Qq?name=testskykey1",
  "name": "key_to_the_castle",
  "id": "ai5z8cf5NWbcvPBaBn0DFQ==",
  "type": "private-id"
  "skykey": "skykey:AUI0eAOXWXHwW6KOLyI5O1OYduVvHxAA8qUR_fJ8Kluasb-ykPlHBEjDczrL21hmjhH0zAoQ3-Qq?name=testskykey1",
  "name": "key_to_the_castle",
  "id": "ai5z8cf5NWbcvPBaBn0DFQ==",
  "type": "private-id"
  "skykey": "skykey:AUI0eAOXWXHwW6KOLyI5O1OYduVvHxAA8qUR_fJ8Kluasb-ykPlHBEjDczrL21hmjhH0zAoQ3-Qq?name=testskykey1",
  "name": "key_to_the_castle",
  "id": "ai5z8cf5NWbcvPBaBn0DFQ==",
  "type": "private-id"
  "skykey": "skykey:AUI0eAOXWXHwW6KOLyI5O1OYduVvHxAA8qUR_fJ8Kluasb-ykPlHBEjDczrL21hmjhH0zAoQ3-Qq?name=testskykey1",
  "name": "key_to_the_castle",
  "id": "ai5z8cf5NWbcvPBaBn0DFQ==",
  "type": "private-id"
Field Type Description
skykey string Base-64 encoded Skykey
name string Name of the Skykey
id string ID of the Skykey
type string Desired type of the skykey. See above for more information.

Adding A Skykey

curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> -d "skykey=BAAAAAAAAABrZXkxAAAAAAAAAAQgAAAAAAAAADiObVg49-0juJ8udAx4qMW-TEHgDxfjA0fjJSNBuJ4a" "localhost:9980/skynet/addskykey"
skynet skykey add "skykey:AUI0eAOXWXHwW6KOLyI5O1OYduVvHxAA8qUR_fJ8Kluasb-ykPlHBEjDczrL21hmjhH0zAoQ3-Qq"
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const skykey = "skykey:AUI0eAOXWXHwW6KOLyI5O1OYduVvHxAA8qUR_fJ8Kluasb-ykPlHBEjDczrL21hmjhH0zAoQ3-Qq";

async function addSkykeyExample() {
  try {
    await client.addSkykey(skykey);
  } catch (error) {
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();
const skykey = "skykey:AUI0eAOXWXHwW6KOLyI5O1OYduVvHxAA8qUR_fJ8Kluasb-ykPlHBEjDczrL21hmjhH0zAoQ3-Qq";

(async () => {
    await client.addSkykey(skykey);
# NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient()
skykey = "skykey:AUI0eAOXWXHwW6KOLyI5O1OYduVvHxAA8qUR_fJ8Kluasb-ykPlHBEjDczrL21hmjhH0zAoQ3-Qq"

print("Add skykey successful")
package main

import (
    skynet ""

const skykey = "skykey:AUI0eAOXWXHwW6KOLyI5O1OYduVvHxAA8qUR_fJ8Kluasb-ykPlHBEjDczrL21hmjhH0zAoQ3-Qq"
var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
    fmt.Printf("Adding skykey %v...\n", skykey)
    err := client.AddSkykey(skykey, skynet.DefaultAddSkykeyOptions)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Unable to add skykey: " + err.Error())

This function stores the given skykey with the renter's skykey manager.


Parameter Description
skykey Base-64 encoded skykey


Error or exception on failure.

Getting A Skykey By Name

# -G option is required to send --data (-d) with a GET.
curl -X GET -G -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> -d "name=key_to_the_castle" "localhost:9980/skynet/skykey"
skynet skykey get name "testcreateskykey"
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const name = "testcreateskykey";

async function getSkykeyByNameExample() {
  try {
    const skykey = await client.getSkykeyByName(name);
  } catch (error) {
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();
const name = "testcreateskykey";

(async () => {
    const skykey = await client.getSkykeyByName(name);
# NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient()
name = "testcreateskykey"

skykey = client.get_skykey_by_name(name)
print("Get skykey successful, skykey: " + skykey)
package main

import (
    skynet ""

const name = "testcreateskykey"
var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
    fmt.Printf("Getting skykey with name %v...\n", name)
    skykey, err := client.GetSkykeyByName(name, skynet.DefaultGetSkykeyOptions)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Unable to get skykey: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Printf("Skykey: %#v\n", skykey)

This function returns the base-64 encoded skykey stored under that name.


Parameter Description
name Name of the skykey being queried.


See Creating A Skykey.

Getting A Skykey By ID

# -G option is required to send --data (-d) with a GET.
curl -X GET -G -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> -d "id=qwxONTt4agqbEmzPlSywaQ==" "localhost:9980/skynet/skykey"
skynet skykey get id "pJAPPfWkWXpss3BvMDCJCw=="
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const id = "pJAPPfWkWXpss3BvMDCJCw==";

async function getSkykeyByIdExample() {
  try {
    const skykey = await client.getSkykeyById(id);
  } catch (error) {
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();
const id = "pJAPPfWkWXpss3BvMDCJCw==";

(async () => {
    const skykey = await client.getSkykeyById(id);
# NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient()
id = "pJAPPfWkWXpss3BvMDCJCw=="

skykey = client.get_skykey_by_id(id)
print("Get skykey successful, skykey: " + skykey)
package main

import skynet ""

const id = "pJAPPfWkWXpss3BvMDCJCw=="
var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
    fmt.Printf("Getting skykey with id %v...\n", id)
    skykey, err := client.GetSkykeyByID(id, skynet.DefaultGetSkykeyOptions)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Unable to get skykey: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Printf("Skykey: %#v\n", skykey)

This function returns the base-64 encoded skykey stored under that ID.


Parameter Description
id ID of the skykey being queried.


See Creating A Skykey.

Listing Skykeys

curl -A "Sia-Agent" -u "":<apipassword> "localhost:9980/skynet/skykeys"
skynet skykey list
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();

async function getSkykeysExample() {
  try {
    const skykeys = await client.getSkykeys();
  } catch (error) {
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();

(async () => {
    const skykeys = await client.getSkykeys();
# NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient()

skykeys = client.get_skykeys()
print("Get skykeys successful, skykeys: " + skykeys)
package main

import (
    skynet ""

var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Listing skykeys...")
    skykeys, err := client.ListSkykeys(skynet.DefaultListSkykeysOptions)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Unable to get skykeys: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Printf("Skykeys: %v\n", skykeys)

This function lists all skykeys on the given portal.




List of Skykeys (see Creating A Skykey).


Handshake is a protocol which allows the creation of update-able content with persistent links, backed by the Skynet infrastructure. For more information on using Handshake with Skynet, please see this blog post.

The SDKs contain support for downloading from Handshake domains as well as for resolving Handshake domains to retrieve the underlying skylinks.

Downloading Handshake Files

curl -A "Sia-Agent" ""
# NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

skynet hns download "doesn" "./dst.html"
import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const domain = "doesn";

try {
  // Or client.openFileHns(domain) to open it in a new browser tab.
} catch (error) {
# NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();
const domain = "doesn";

(async () => {
    await client.downloadFileHns("./dst.html", domain);
    console.log('Handshake download successful');
# NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient()
domain = "doesn"

client.download_file_hns("./dst.html", domain)
print("Handshake download successful")
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

package main

import (
    skynet ""

var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
  const domain = "doesn"

    err := client.DownloadFileHns("./dst.html", domain, skynet.DefaultDownloadHnsOptions)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Something went wrong, please try again.\nError: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Println("Handshake download successful")

This function downloads a file from a given Handshake domain on the portal's /hns endpoint. To give an example, the full URL of the Sia-controlled Handshake domain doesn is


Field Description
path The local path where the file should be downloaded to.
domain The Handshake domain that should be downloaded.

Browser JS:

Field Description
domain The Handshake domain that should be downloaded.


Empty on success.

Resolving Handshake Domains

curl -A "Sia-Agent" ""
# NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

skynet hns resolve "doesn"
import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const domain = "doesn";

try {
  const data = client.resolveHns(domain);
} catch (error) {
# NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();
const domain = "doesn";

(async () => {
    const data = await client.resolveHns(domain);
    console.log('Handshake resolve successful');
# NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient()
domain = "doesn"

data = client.resolve_hns(domain)
print("Handshake resolve successful")
// NOTE: this function has not yet been implemented for this SDK.

package main

import (
    skynet ""

const domain = "doesn"
var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
    err := client.ResolveHns(domain, skynet.DefaultResolveHnsOptions)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Something went wrong, please try again.\nError: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Println("Handshake resolve successful")

This function resolves a given Handshake domain and returns its TXT record. In the context of Skynet, this should contain a skylink field. For example, a request to returns only the data {"skylink":"sia://IAC6CkhNYuWZqMVr1gob1B6tPg4MrBGRzTaDvAIAeu9A9w"}.


Field Description
domain The Handshake domain that should be resolved.


Coming Soon

The full TXT record containing the skylink is returned.

Browser JS API

The following are some methods and utilities that only make sense in the browser, and thus are only provided by the Browser JS SDK.

Opening A File

import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg";

try {
} catch (error) {

Use the client to open a skylink in a new browser tab. Browsers support opening natively only limited file extensions like .html or .jpg and will fallback to downloading the file.


See Downloading A File.


Empty on success.

Loading A File's Contents

import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const skylink = "AACJjVpOpsZ6c9PBwOYvxTtDc_nmrGxTTEomHDBEEfvRhA"; // JSON File

try {
  const { data, contentType, metadata, skylink } = await client.getFileContent(skylink);
  console.log(data.fruit) // prints 'Apple'
} catch (error) {

Use the client to load a skylink's content for use by application.


Field Description
skylink The skylink that should be downloaded. The skylink can contain an optional path.

Additional Options

See Downloading A File.


  data: { fruit: 'Apple', size: 'Large', color: 'Red' },
  contentType: 'application/json',
  metadata: {
    filename: 'example_1.json',
    length: 65,
    subfiles: { 'example_1.json': [Object] }
  skylink: 'sia:AACJjVpOpsZ6c9PBwOYvxTtDc_nmrGxTTEomHDBEEfvRhA'
Field Description
data Data returned in the response body when doing a GET request for the skylink.
skylink This is the skylink that can be used when downloading to retrieve the file that has been uploaded. It is a 46-character base64 encoded string that consists of the merkle root, offset, fetch size, and Skylink version which can be used to access the content.
contentType String representing the file's content type.
metadata Object returned in the skynet-metadata header when accessing the file

Getting The Download URL

import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const skylink = "XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg";

try {
  const url = client.getSkylinkUrl(skylink);
} catch (error) {

Use the client to generate a direct skylink url.


See Downloading A File.

Additional Options

Field Description Default
download Option to include download directive in the url that will force a download when used. false


Field Description
url The URL for the given skylink on the client portal.

Getting A Handshake URL

import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const domain = "doesn";

try {
  const url = client.getHnsUrl(domain);
} catch (error) {

Use the client to generate a direct Handshake url from a Handshake domain.


See Downloading Handshake Files.

Additional Options

Field Description Default
download Option to include download directive in the url that will force a download when used. false


Field Description
url The URL for the given Handshake domain on the client portal.

Getting A Handshake Resolver URL

import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const domain = "doesn";

try {
  const url = client.getHnsresUrl(domain);
} catch (error) {

Use the client to generate a direct Handshake Resolver url from a Handshake domain.


See Resolving Handshake Domains.

Additional Options

Field Description Default
download Option to include download directive in the url that will force a download when used. false


Field Description
url The URL for the given Handshake Resolver domain on the client portal.
import { parseSkylink } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();
const uri = "sia://XABvi7JtJbQSMAcDwnUnmp2FKDPjg8_tTTFP4BwMSxVdEg";

try {
  const skylink = parseSkylink(uri);
} catch (error) {

Extract a skylink from a string.


Field Description
string The string to extract a skylink from.

Currently supported string types are:


Field Description
skylink See Uploading A File.

API Authentication

curl -X POST -A "Sia-Agent" --user "":"foobar" \
  "" -F 'file=@image.jpg'
skynet upload "./image.jpg" --api-key "foobar" --custom-user-agent "Sia-Agent"
import { SkynetClient } from "skynet-js";

const client = new SkynetClient();

async function authenticationExample() {
  try {
    const { skylink } = await client.uploadFile(
      { APIKey: "foobar", customUserAgent: "Sia-Agent" }
  } catch (error) {
const { SkynetClient } = require('@nebulous/skynet');

const client = new SkynetClient();

(async () => {
    const skylink = await client.uploadFile(
    { APIKey: "foobar", customUserAgent: "Sia-Agent" }
    console.log(`Upload successful, skylink: ${skylink}`);
import siaskynet as skynet

client = skynet.SkynetClient();

skylink = client.upload_file(
  {"api_key": "foobar", "custom_user_agent": "Sia-Agent"}
print("Upload successful, skylink: " + skylink)
package main

import (
    skynet ""

var client = skynet.New()

func main() {
    opts := skynet.DefaultUploadOptions
    opts.APIKey = "foobar"
  opts.CustomUserAgent = "Sia-Agent"
    skylink, err := client.UploadFile("./image.jpg", opts)
    if err != nil {
        panic("Unable to upload: " + err.Error())
    fmt.Printf("Upload successful, skylink: %v\n", skylink)

Portals will likely require authentication on several of their endpoints. This is to prevent unwanted modifications to the blocklist, portal list, etc.

If you are authorized to use password-protected endpoints on a portal, you may authenticate yourself by setting the APIKey custom option when calling a function.

Setting The User Agent

The portal may also require that certain sensitive requests contain a custom user agent header, usually Sia-Agent. This is for security purposes, as otherwise a malicious website could make requests to your local portal on your behalf and steal coins.

We want this to be an opt-in for now, so Sia-Agent is not currently the default. You may change the user agent header by setting the customUserAgent custom option. See Setting Additional Options.

More Information

For more information about authentication on portals and local siad instances please see the Sia Docs.

Updating From v2


Table of Contents

We recently made a breaking change from v2 of the SDK to the newest version, v3. We needed to change the data type of revision numbers in order to support the full range of possible values. Since this was already a compatibility break, we additionally implemented many improvements that should make the SDK easier to use and more consistent.

We understand that updating your code to accommodate breaking changes is inconvenient, so we put together this guide which we hope will be helpful.


To upgrade to v3:

npm install skynet-js@3

Note that just npm install will not work. This is by design: you must explicitly opt-in to new major versions as they contain breaking changes, by definition.

Breaking Changes

Entry Revisions Are Now bigint

await client.db.setJSON(privateKey, dataKey, json, 0);
revision = revision + 1;


await client.db.setJSON(privateKey, dataKey, json, BigInt(0));
revision = revision + BigInt(1);

Entry revisions are now bigint instead of number, since number did not cover the full range of available revisions.

Note: setting a revision to the maximum 64-bit value can be done to prevent changes to the entry; this was not possible by using the SDK before this change.

Required code changes

Any explicit revision numbers must be changed from number to bigint. For example, instead of 0 use BigInt(0).

Since you cannot add bigints and numbers, any arithmetic must be fully converted (see right).

Upload Methods Return An Object

const skylink = await client.uploadFile(file);


const { skylink, merkleroot, bitfield } = await client.uploadFile(file);

The uploadFile and uploadDirectory methods now return an object instead of only a skylink. This allowed us to remove the upload request methods (see below), which we hope this will simplify the API while allowing us to potentially return more information in the object in the future, without a breaking change.

Required code changes

Change all calls to uploadFile and uploadDirectory. See right.

Upload Request Methods Were Removed

const data = await client.uploadFileRequest(file);
const merkleroot = data.merkleroot;


const { merkleroot } = await client.uploadFile(file);

We are no longer exposing request methods and are instead returning more information from uploadFile and uploadDirectory (see above).

Required code changes

Change all calls to uploadFileRequest to uploadFile and uploadDirectoryRequest to uploadDirectory.

getMetadata Returns An Object Containing Metadata In A Subfield

const metadata = await client.getMetadata(skylink);


const { metadata, contentType, skylink } = await client.getMetadata(skylink);

The getMetadata method now returns an object instead of only the metadata.

Required code changes

Change all calls to getMetadata. See right.

executeRequest Was Removed

The executeRequest method is no longer available on the client. It was not intended to be exported.

Required code changes

A possible use case was getting the raw contents of a file -- you may now achieve this with getFileContent.

The Registry Timeout Has Changed

await client.db.getJSON(publicKey, dataKey, { timeout: 60_000 });


await client.db.getJSON(publicKey, dataKey, { timeout: 60 });

The registry timeout parameter was previously interpreted as milliseconds. It has been changed to seconds, as the timeout is now passed to siad which accepts seconds.

It was also possible to set the timeout for all API requests, but now it is only accepted by registry.getEntry and db.getJSON.

Required code changes

Any explicit timeout specified should be changed from milliseconds to seconds. Note that an error will be thrown if the timeout value is greater than the maximum accepted by siad (300 seconds).

If you were passing timeout to other API calls, it will no longer have any effect. This was not an intended usage and we don't anticipate many users being affected by this change.

getJSON Can Return Destructured Nulls Instead Of Null

const result = await client.db.getJSON(publicKey, dataKey);
if (result !== null) {
  const data =;
  const revision = result.revision;
  /* Do something with the result */


const { data, revision } = await client.db.getJSON(publicKey, dataKey, { timeout: 60 });
if (data !== null) {
  /* Do something with the result */

Instead of returning either an object or null, db.getJSON now always returns an object, whose elements may be null. This means you can always destructure the result without worrying about errors in the null-case. This matches the existing behavior of registry.getEntry.

Required code changes

It is probably easiest to demonstrate this with an example -- see right.

getEntry Only Returns Null On Entry-Not-Found

const { entry } = await client.registry.getEntry(publicKey, dataKey);


try {
  const { entry } = await client.registry.getEntry(publicKey, dataKey);
} catch (err) {
  /* Handle the error */

Previously, registry.getEntry would return null when any error had occurred. Now, it will only return null when the error from siad was 404, meaning the registry entry was not found.

Required code changes

You may wish to catch any errors from getEntry or getJSON, as they are likely due to a deeper issue. Previously these errors were not caught, so entries that actually existed may have appeared not to exist (since null was returned).

Other Changes


A getFileContent method has been added for getting the content of a file from a skylink without downloading the file in-browser.

More Typechecking

Be aware that almost every API method now has the potential to throw. A common cause would be wrongly-typed inputs to a method, which are now checked. You may or may not want to manually catch thrown errors, depending on your application.

Writing your application in Typescript is a good way to prevent type errors from being thrown at runtime.